1:00 PM EDT | 12:00 PM CDT | 11:00 AM MDT | 10:00 AM PDT
This livestream is hosted by Mercy-by-the-Sea Spiritual Retreat and Conference Center (Madison, CT), Hartford Seminary (Hartford, CT), Five Oaks Education Centre (Paris, Ontario, Canada), and Montreat Conference Center (Montreat, NC).
In his widely acclaimed series Spiritual Exile & Seeds of Promise, John Philip Newell explores the yearnings that have led countless numbers of people into an experience of exile from the religious traditions of their inheritance, whether in literally leaving church or in looking well beyond its bounds for vision and nourishment.
“Unblocking the Wells,” the fourth episode in the series, will explore our longing to find the source of the sacred everywhere in our lives and world. Religion has no monopoly over sacredness. The wellsprings of the divine can be sought in everyone we meet, in every encounter of life, and in every moment. They flow deep in all things. This is the yearning that is guiding us on the spiritual journey of today.
The presentation by John Philip will be followed by a shared online meditation as well as the opportunity to submit questions and comments to the moderator of our livestream gathering, some of which John Philip will be able to respond to during the one-hour session.
Participants will be sent the Zoom link prior to the program. Unable to attend at that time? Those who register will also have access to a recording.
If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact the Montreat Conference Center registrar directly at BarryE@montreat.org or call 828.419.9815.
“Celtic wisdom looks for the flow of the divine deep within
everything that has being. It is like a subterranean river coursing
through the veins of the universe. If somehow it were dammed up
or stopped, everything would cease to exist. This sacred flow is not
simply a dimension of life that may or may not be there, depending
on the moment, the place, the person, or the species. It is the very
essence of everything that exists. The Celtic tradition awakens
us to look for the flow of the divine deep within all things and to
release it within ourselves and one another.”
(an excerpt from John Philip Newell’s Sacred Earth Sacred Soul)
Order Sacred Earth Sacred Soul
Note: ‘Unblocking the Wells’ can be attended as a stand-alone teaching.
However, if you have interest in viewing and listening to an excerpt from Episode 1 in which John Philip lays the groundwork for the series, you can access it free of charge on the homepage of Earth & Soul.