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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

A Journey Toward Hope

On Sunday, February 16th, John Philip Newell and Cami Twilling participated in a service of lament for the California Wildfires as part of their February in-person event schedule. The community experience, called A Journey Toward Hope - From Ashes to a New Relationship with Earth & One Another, was hosted by All Saints Church Pasadena.

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

February News and Events

Greetings to you from California, where we are about to begin our February Earth & Soul retreats and events. What a blessing it is to come together in community as we listen to John Philip’s teachings, to the wisdom Earth holds for us and to our own deep wisdom we carry within through spiritual practice. It is always beautiful to see people in small groups with their hand on their heart in the practice of sacred listening, holding space for one another to share what is stirring within. 

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

Year End Blessings from Earth & Soul

We are so very grateful for each of you in the worldwide community of Earth & Soul. Thank you for connecting through retreats, pilgrimages, online events, house gatherings, and all the beautiful ways you have been in relationship with us and one another. Together we continue to deepen and develop our threefold vision of study, spiritual practice, and compassionate action as we help enable the urgent work of healing and new beginnings in our lives and world.

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

October News from Earth & Soul

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, and now Hurricane Milton, we hold in our hearts all who have lost loved ones, livelihoods, and a place to call home. We give thanks for those who are helping, caring, working to help heal and loving their neighbors. The stories of communities coming together to care for one another is truly a gift of compassionate action. With every cancelation notice we have posted on our website and social media, we have paused to whisper a prayer for you and all affected. On one of the announcements canceling a talk named “Celtic Spirituality: Why It Matters Now,” a dear person commented, “And this is why it matters now.” She is, of course, right. Turning to Earth & Soul in the quest for healing and home is not only in the title of John Philip’s new book, it is what we all are doing in this moment.

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

September News from Earth & Soul

Dear Friends of Earth & Soul, 

As we move into a month of seasons changing may we bring our awareness to the ever-unfolding beauty of Earth and the ever-unfolding of our inner landscape of soul. 

In his new book, The Great Search: Turning to Earth & Soul in the Quest for Healing & Home, John Philip writes, “‘We are most ourselves,’ said Berry, ‘when we are most intimate with the rivers and mountains and woodlands, with the sun and the stars in the heavens.’ We are most ourselves when we are close to the ground that sustains us and the soil that grows our food. We have experienced the deep truth of this when we are closest to nature.” 

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

August News from Earth & Soul

Dear Friends of Earth & Soul,

John Philip Newell’s new book The Great Search: Turning to Earth and Soul in the Quest for Healing and Home will be available on August 20 in the US and mid-August in the UK! This is truly a book for this moment in time. You can pre-order your copy here. We hope you will celebrate with us on October 24 at the book launch either in person or via livestream. The celebration will include wine, music, and song as well as readings from the book by John Philip and the opportunity to have your own copy signed. Please join us for this exciting moment of celebrating a profound vision for the way forward today in our relationship with Earth, with one another and our own true depths.

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

July News from Earth & Soul

July news from Earth & Soul, including the launch of John Philip Newell’s forthcoming book, The Great Search, Book Launch Celebration, and July and October events.

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

The Great Search - a New Book by John Philip Newell

Dear Friends of Earth & Soul, I’m excited to share with you news of my forthcoming publication, The Great Search: Turning to Earth and Soul in the Quest for Healing and Home (HarperOne, August 2024 in the US and Wild Goose, mid-August 2024 in the UK). The context of this new work is the widespread collapse of religion as we have known it. There is a vast diaspora of people living in religious exile from our inherited traditions of faith. What are the yearnings that are stirring in us at this moment in time, especially in relation to Earth and the human soul?

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

June 2024 News from Earth & Soul

Greetings to each of you as we enter into the season of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere. In these distinct seasons of much light and less light may we be reminded to look for the light in everyone and in all things and to know the light we carry within. We are grateful for each of you in the Earth & Soul community as we share together in teaching and spiritual practice and listen both as individuals and collectively to how we are being called to compassionate action. 

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

Earth & Soul Updates, May 2024

We are grateful to be in the midst of our May retreats and events with many of you at the moment. What a gift to be together in community sharing in teaching and spiritual practice as we listen within to how we are being called to compassionate action.

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Joe Mazza Joe Mazza

April 2024 News from Earth & Soul

Peace and love to you in this new season of the year. As we transition into spring or autumn depending on which hemisphere we are in, may we take time to pay attention to what we are being invited into in this season. Earth holds infinite wisdom for us if we take time to listen.

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