March News from Earth & Soul
Dear Friends of Earth & Soul,
Greetings to each you as we near the equinox, a time of balance between night and day as the sun is neither tilted toward or away from Earth. Let us seek ways to find balance in this time that feels off tilt in our world, looking within and knowing the strength and light we carry, looking for the light in one another, in Earth and in all things.
In order to know balance we must be truly present.
In The Great Search, John Philip writes, “Every situation, like the face of every newborn child, is calling us back into true relationship. It calls for 'presence,' Buber said. 'It demands you.' For it is presence that is the greatest gift we can offer one another. And presence is the greatest gift we can receive. Here and now, the gift of presence coming to us through one another and through Earth.”
Let us not get lost in the chaos. We are being called to be present, here and now. It is when we are present we can listen, come together and do the work of healing in the world.
We invite you to join us for an online Equinox Celebration Sunday, March 23rd at 3pm MT via Zoom. We will be using our Threshold Community: House Gathering model for our time together which will include music, prayer, a reading followed by silence and the spiritual practice of sacred listening. We will close our time together with the ritual of light. All are welcome! To sign up for this shared gathering please fill out the form here.
Thank you for your gift of presence with one another whether in person, online or in spirit. We invite you to join us for the May offerings listed below as well as any of our growing list of 2025 and 2026 retreats, pilgrimages and events which are listed on our Events Page.
A prayer for this moment and every moment that we can pray together.
A Celtic Version of the Prayer of Jesus
Holy One beyond all names
Eternal Wellspring
May love rise again in us today
With food for every table
Shelter for every family
And reverence for every life.
Forgive us our failings in love
And free us from all falseness
That the light of our souls may shine
And the strength of our spirits endure
For Earth and all its people
This day, tonight, and forever.
John Philip and I are grateful for each of you who are part of the Earth & Soul community. It is a blessing to share in this journey with you.
Blessings to you.
Cami Twilling
Director of Earth & Soul