February News and Events

Dear Friends of Earth & Soul,

Greetings to you from California, where we are about to begin our February Earth & Soul retreats and events. What a blessing it is to come together in community as we listen to John Philip’s teachings, to the wisdom Earth holds for us and to our own deep wisdom we carry within through spiritual practice. It is always beautiful to see people in small groups with their hand on their heart in the practice of sacred listening, holding space for one another to share what is stirring within. 

There is still time to join us for several of the February events if you have not yet registered. Please see the Events Page for more information.

You can also join us via livestream for the following:

John Philip and I are grateful for each of you who are part of the Earth & Soul community. It is a blessing to share in this journey with you. All of the February and May offerings are listed below, and a growing list of 2025 and 2026 retreats, pilgrimages and events is on our Events Page.

Lately I have been hearing from numerous people how chaotic the world feels right now. We all experience this in our own way and also collectively as an Earth community. Let us pause for a moment with our hand on our heart or on our gut, wherever you feel most centered. Take a moment to breathe and allow yourself to fully arrive in the present moment. Speaking the prayer below out loud, know you are doing so with others who are seeking to live from a place of compassion and to be part of the healing of the world together. 

Clear our heart, O God,
that we may see you.
Clear our heart, O God,
that we may truly see ourselves.
Clear our heart, O God,
that we may know the sacredness of this moment
and in every moment
seek you
serve you
strengthen you
as the Living Presence in every presence.
Clear our heart, O God,
that we may see.

-John Philip Newell from Praying with the Earth

Thank you for being a part of the Earth & Soul community. 

Blessings to you.


Cami Twilling 
Director of Earth & Soul


A Journey Toward Hope


January Greetings from Earth & Soul