September News from Earth & Soul

Dear Friends of Earth & Soul, 

As we move into a month of seasons changing may we bring our awareness to the ever-unfolding beauty of Earth and the ever-unfolding of our inner landscape of soul. 

In his new book, The Great Search: Turning to Earth & Soul in the Quest for Healing & Home, John Philip writes, “‘We are most ourselves,’ said Berry, ‘when we are most intimate with the rivers and mountains and woodlands, with the sun and the stars in the heavens.’ We are most ourselves when we are close to the ground that sustains us and the soil that grows our food. We have experienced the deep truth of this when we are closest to nature.” 

May these words invite us deeper into awareness of the natural world and deeper into relationship with all things. Our wellbeing depends on the wellbeing of Earth and the wellbeing of one another. 

The Great Search: Turning to Earth and Soul in the Quest for Healing and Home is now available! This is truly a book for this moment in time. You can find information on ordering your copy here. The book launch celebration is October 24 at Montreat Conference and Retreat Center. We invite you to join us in person or online for this exciting moment of celebrating a profound vision for the way forward today in our relationship with Earth, with one another and our own true depths. For more information on the book launch celebration, click here

The Earth & Soul October events are happening soon and we would be delighted to have you with us. Two retreats in the Celtic Wisdom series are being offered. Celtic Wisdom 1 at Bon Secours in Baltimore, MD and Celtic Wisdom 3 at Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, NC. The Great Search 1 will be held at Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond, VA. In addition, a full-day retreat will be held in Brevard, NC on the themes of The Great Search, and an evening talk in Black Mountain, NC on the themes of Celtic Wisdom. All details and registration links can be found below as well as on our Events Page. In addition, 2025 events are being added to our website for you to save the dates. 

Let us join our hearts together this September as we pray this prayer together all around the world. May we grow in awareness, in wisdom, and in love for Earth and one another. 

For everything that emerges from Earth
thanks be to you, O God,
Holy Root of being
Sacred Sap that rises
Full-bodied Fragrance of Earth’s unfolding form.
May we know that we are of You
may we know that we are in You
may we know that we are one with You
together one.
Guide us as nations to what is deepest
open us as peoples to what is first
lead us as a world to what is dearest
that we may know the holiness of wholeness
that we may learn the strength of humility
that together we may live close to Earth
and grow in grounded glory.

(from Praying with the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace

We are so very grateful for each of you. Thank you for being part of the Earth & Soul community. 
Blessings to you.

Cami Twilling 
Director of Earth & Soul


October News from Earth & Soul


August News from Earth & Soul