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The Great Search 2 (including an in-person dialogue between John Philip Newell and Diana Butler Bass)

  • Roslyn Retreat Center, Richmond, VA 8727 River Road Richmond, VA, 23229 United States (map)

In 2022 John Philip Newell began a second series of annual retreats to address the deep spiritual yearnings of this moment in time and to help give birth to new beginnings in our lives and world. 

The Great Search 2 is the second of a three-part series of annual retreats led by the Celtic teacher John Philip Newell and his colleague Cami Twilling in which we explore the search for awareness, the search for spiritual and physical wellness, and the search for love.

The teachings of this retreat are based on John Philip Newell’s new book The Great Search: Turning to Earth & Soul in the Quest for Healing & Home (especially Chapters 4, 5, and 6, drawing on the wisdom of Carl Jung, Julian of Norwich, and Jelalludin Rumi).

The text for this three-year program is John Philip Newell’s book The Great Search.

The Great Search 2 can be taken as a stand-alone retreat or in conjunction with The Great Search 1 and The Great Search 3 which can be attended in any order and at any of our retreat centers across the country or online.

This retreat will include a special evening dialogue between John Philip Newell and Diana Butler Bass, included for all retreat participants. The two authors will engage in a lively and hopeful conversation about the themes of The Great Search. Known for their spiritual depth, as well as their insightful teaching, Diana and John Philip are delighted to be in conversation together.

October 10

Celtic Wisdom 2

October 22

Celtic Wisdom 3